Avondale’s Air Conditioning Replacement Team
Locals have depended on Christian Brothers Air Conditioning Plumbing Electrical for complete AC installations in Avondale, AZ, since 1976. We’re known for delivering unsurpassed customer service that exceeds customer expectations. Our A+ rating with the local BBB says it all. Our technicians deliver amazing results on Avondale air conditioning replacements and new system installs. We also service all makes and models, so don’t hesitate to contact us. If it’s time for a new air conditioner, we’d like to help you select and install your equipment.
As a locally owned and operated service company, it’s our privilege to serve our community. You’ve probably seen one or more of us offering our support at Rockstar Rescue or Helping Hands. Making a difference in the lives of others is a top priority for everyone on our team.
Locals turn to us because of our:
- 100% guarantee on parts and labor
- Flexible availability
- Certified APS/SRP contractor status
- NATE-certified technicians
- Upfront pricing on installations