Taking care of a plumbing system must be a top priority for a homeowner. Many homeowners do know that delays in repairs wouldn’t be helpful, so they move to address leaks, clogs, and other issues right away. They might not move as quickly to replace and upgrade aging plumbing, though. One reason is that nothing seems to be wrong with it. Another could be the homeowner can’t recognize the signs of aging drains and pipes. If the homeowner makes an error in judgment here, he or she could face a plumbing disaster.

Sometimes, a problem might be a hidden one. A leak occurring far out of sight can persist until its damaging results become apparent. And here, too, the homeowner could face significant plumbing repair bills. Catching the issue might have led to a less-costly outcome. If the homeowner doesn’t know what to look for, how can he or she discover a problem? The answer is to turn the job over to a professional. A plumbing company would happily provide a thorough inspection when asked. If you’re wondering how often you should request a plumbing inspection, here are a few tips for scheduling this necessary service.

Common Recommendations for Inspections

Requesting an inspection once every two years would allow many residential and commercial property owners in Glendale to uncover any problems present with the system. Allowing three or four years to pass would be a bit too long. A lot can happen in 36 to 48 months. Waiting so long could leave a problem in place for too long. Calling in an inspection every two years would be reasonable when the plumbing system is already in decent shape. If the first inspection reveals nothing is wrong or leads to immediate repairs, the plumber could recommend a standard two-year review.

Not all plumbing systems are in perfect shape, though. Maybe keeping a more consistent eye on the plumbing system would be a good plan. If asked, a plumbing company would surely accommodate a once-a-year inspection plan. When the home is an older property, a yearly inspection could be preferable to one performed every two years. Older homes suffer from age-related problems, and those issues could get worse without necessary upkeep. More frequent inspections could help the cause.

Requesting an Inspection When Concerned

Sometimes, the things that go bump in the night might come from your plumbing system. Avoid the trap of explaining away the problem. People tend to do this to put off spending money on repairs due to the cost or the inconvenience. They comfort themselves with the assumption that there isn’t anything wrong. Ultimately, reality reveals itself. The light tapping sound of a leak above the ceiling is only going to cause more damage to the wood and drywall. A different result could be the case when catching the problem earlier.

When something appears out of the ordinary, consider it a good idea to ask a plumber to perform a thorough examination, and take the opportunity to explore the plumbing system for any not-so-obvious problems. Just because one or two things are wrong with the plumbing does not mean the entire plumbing system is in bad shape. Then again, severe problems could be present throughout the home. You won’t know for sure until a skilled pro takes a look. Still, locating and correcting defects right away saves time, money, and aggravation. In Glendale, AZ, Christian Brothers Air Conditioning Plumbing Electrical has long established itself as a top plumbing company. Clogs, leaks, drain cleaning, and even pipe relining are among the jobs handled by the team.

Consider Seasonal Inspections

The seasons of the year could contribute to the timing of your annual inspections. Right before winter seems like a plan for many because they worry about serious problems such as potential pipe freezes during the cold weather months. Nothing is more worrisome to many homeowners than the damage that frozen pipes may cause, so the concern is well-founded.

In truth, there is no improper time of the year to schedule a plumbing inspection. That said, those with concerns about winter weather could also find requesting a check once the temperature heats up to be reassuring. Even if nothing appears wrong, concerns might exist about the plumbing’s fitness for the winter. Perhaps it would be a good idea to winterize the system to reduce the chances of problems in the future.

Examinations Involve a Vast Plumbing System

Even in a small house, a plumbing system covers a lot of territories. In a midsize or large home, the drains and pipes sprawl throughout the interior and may be hidden in many places. With so much plumbing to worry about, it becomes almost impossible to stay on top of everything. You have plumbing running throughout the bathroom, kitchen, washing machines, and more. Maybe you have a bathroom or sink inside an attic or basement that you don’t pay much attention to. Those plumbing systems may house pressurized water in their pipes. Things could go wrong and create many unwanted headaches or hassles.

Probably the most concerning plumbing components would be the ones inside the walls. Plumbing that runs underneath the house in a crawlspace, while out of sight, can’t be ignored. If something goes wrong with plumbing that you can’t see, you won’t know how serious the issue is. Once again, you might not know about a leak until the damage becomes both evident and extensive.

A modern plumbing company can deal with out-of-sight problems. Leak detection systems that employ infrared cameras and other devices could find a leak hidden from view. Remember, even though you can’t see the leak, the leak may be causing harm. A skilled plumber usually knows how to perform the right fix in the least invasive way possible.

Warnings About Potential Hazards

There might not be a problem present right now, but things could degrade. A plumber could look at the pipes and notice they might need an upgrade in a year or so. The plumber might see other impending problems and provide recommendations for improvements. At least with a heads up, the homeowner can make suitable arrangements. If you live in an older home with the original plumbing lines, an upgrade may be unavoidable. Knowing how much time you have before performing required upgrades allows for better planning and budgeting. You certainly don’t want to wait until leaks, corrosion, and other problems arise. Performing an early fix through preventive maintenance might be preferable.

Avoid Delays on Repair Work

Once any mysterious trouble becomes uncovered, the plumber can take steps to fix things. Of course, the professional needs a go-ahead from the homeowner. Avoid putting off any necessary repairs. Doing so increases the risk that things could turn out worse, and that situation wouldn’t be beneficial.

Do you want a plumbing inspection performed right away? Call Christian Brothers Air Conditioning Plumbing Electrical plumbing to request assistance with your plumbing woes. The team also handles air conditioning, electrical, and heating work. In business since 1976, the Christian Brothers Air Conditioning Plumbing Electrical team brings licensed home service to your door.

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