Having your AC break down at any time is a major issue, but the problem is obviously much more serious should your air conditioning stop working in the middle of a heatwave. With summer temperatures in the Glendale area regularly rising into the 100s, going without air conditioning for even a day can be extremely dangerous due to heat-related illnesses. If your AC does ever break down during a heatwave, here are some steps you should take to help keep you and your family cool and safe.

Contact an Emergency AC Repair Service

The first thing you should do if your AC stops working during an extreme heat event is to contact an emergency AC repair service. Temperatures in your home could rise well above 120 degrees in just a few hours. At Christian Brothers Air Conditioning Plumbing Electrical, we offer emergency AC repair services, and our technicians may be able to get your air conditioning working again the same day, depending on what specific issues it has. We repair all brands and models of central air conditioners and heat pumps as well as ductless mini-splits. If the unit is completely gone and needs to be replaced, you may still need to wait a few days until you can get a new unit installed. In this case, you’ll want to take some of these other steps to help you stay cool.

Use Fans to Circulate Air and Create a Breeze

Fans definitely aren’t a substitute for air conditioning, but they can still be useful for helping you keep cool. If you have any ceiling fans in your home, you’ll want to turn them on so they’re spinning counterclockwise. When the fans spin counterclockwise, they push air downwards to create a breeze. In fact, we would recommend you have your ceiling fans running all summer as they will always help your home feel cooler and make it so that you don’t need to run your AC quite as often. One of the easiest ways to help you stay even cooler is to fill up a large bowl with ice and place it in front of a table fan so that the air blows across the ice. This will make the air from the fan feel cooler.

Close Curtains and Blinds to Minimize Heat Gain

Keeping all of your curtains and blinds closed throughout the day can also be a huge help in keeping your home cooler. Windows are a major source of heat gain, and all of the hot sunlight streaming in through your windows can drastically increase the temperature of your home and make it unbearable without a working AC system. As with running your ceiling fans, keeping your windows covered during the day is something we would recommend you always do since all of the heat gains from uncovered windows will force your AC to run more often and lead to higher energy bills and greater wear and tear on your AC’s components.

Keep the Stove and Oven Off

Cooking indoors is also something you should avoid any time your AC isn’t working. Using your stove or oven will put off a lot of heat and quickly increase your home’s temperature. For this reason, it’s always better to fire up your barbecue grill and cook outside or prepare meals that don’t require any cooking until you can get your AC fixed.

Only Run the Dishwasher and Do Laundry When It’s Cooler

Your washing machine, clothes dryer, and dishwasher also give off lots of heat. If your AC isn’t working, it’s best to only use these appliances in the early morning when your home is coolest or, even better, avoid using them at all until your AC is fixed. Washing dishes by hand is a great option since it won’t give off as much heat, and you can also hang your clothes outside to dry to avoid all of the heat given off by your dryer.

Keep Lights and Electronics Off Whenever Possible

It’s also a good idea to keep as many lights off as possible since light bulbs also give off heat. This is especially the case with incandescent bulbs, which is why you may want to consider replacing all of them with LED bulbs as they give off far less heat and are also much more energy efficient. Electronics like TVs and computers can also give off quite a bit of heat so it’s best to limit their use as well. In fact, we recommend unplugging any electronics you’re not using as many of them still give off some heat even when in standby mode.

Crack Open Your Windows

You obviously don’t want your windows open during the hottest parts of the day, but you should definitely open them as soon as the outdoor temperature is lower than the temperature inside your home. Placing your fans in front of the windows can also help as they will draw more air inside. You should also make sure to open windows on different sides of the house to help create a through-draft.

Make Sure You Are Well Hydrated and Avoid Overheating

Not having air conditioning during a heatwave can put you at a major risk of developing heat stroke. Young children and the elderly are at the highest risk so it’s essential that you protect them and possibly take them elsewhere if the temperature in your home rises into the triple digits. Public places like the library can be a good option for getting out of the heat for a few hours and enjoying some nice air conditioning, and you’ll also be able to enjoy the AC in your car on the way.

The best way to avoid heat stroke is to make sure you’re drinking plenty of water and avoid any strenuous activity. You should also stay away from caffeinated drinks and alcohol as they will make you more dehydrated. If you start to feel overheated, wrapping cool, wet clothes around your wrists and neck can help you to quickly cool down. Taking a cold shower or dipping your feet in a bucket of ice water can also help if you start to overheat.

How to Prevent Your AC From Failing During a Heat Wave

The best way to ensure your AC is working properly and reduce the chances of it breaking down during a heatwave is to have it professionally inspected and maintained every spring. Regular AC maintenance is essential for keeping it functioning effectively and avoiding any issues that could cause it to break down. Scheduling an annual AC tune-up is also important for ensuring the system is functioning efficiently and keeping your energy bills in check. It can also be a requirement for some warranties.

Contact Us

At Christian Brothers Air Conditioning Plumbing Electrical, our team is always here to take care of all of your air conditioning needs. We are proud to be the most trusted AC company in Glendale, and we also offer a full range of heating, plumbing, and electrical services. Contact Christian Brothers Air Conditioning Plumbing Electrical today if you need emergency AC repairs or any other home service in the Phoenix Metro area.

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